A $10,000 Donation to EFF
Donating Google’s Bug Bounty to Electronic Frontier Foundat…
Welcome to my page! Here you will find topics related to cyber security, web development or other technology fields.
Bit about me: I am an enthusiast of cyber security with passion in web security. I like a lot online web challenges and I enjoy building websites or apps like the site you are viewing this message on. I am constantly looking into learning new things, so if you want to share something interesting with me, please go ahead!
Donating Google’s Bug Bounty to Electronic Frontier Foundat…
Unveiling static analysis evasion techniques in Android mal…
apkInspector is a tool designed to provide detailed insight…
Lists of the Android Permissions grouped together based on …
What is the average size of a play store app? or the number…
Dynamic code loading in Android, the methods malware employ…
Analysis on a malware dropper which was disguised as an Eba…
The known apktool, just got a slight upgrade to include a n…
How well automated API security scanners work against an al…
A full write-up for the InsecureSHop application, to serve …
How an insecure implementation of SetResult can lead to exp…
Learn how an AWS Cognito Identity Pool can be identified in…
A quick guide on how to instrument an Android APK with the …
See how you can download hunderds of apps from Play Store a…
What are the differences in between ssh local, remote and d…
Vulnerable REST API with OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities for A…
How to make an android service to run in the background rel…
See how to create your own RSS/Atom feed in your Wagtail si…
Encrypt your traffic with openssl when using bind or revers…
A python script to automate the use of dex2jar tool along w…
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