Convert APK to source code automatically with lazyX
A python script to automate the use of dex2jar tool along with cfr in order to decompile apk files instantly.
A python script to automate the use of dex2jar tool along with cfr in order to decompile apk files instantly.
Tips and tricks in Wagtail that will help you tweak the appearance and functionality.
Hooking C/C++ code in Android application using Frida with introduction and explainations in every step - noob friendly
How to add C/C++ through the JNI, into an existing Android app either with the source code or directly the …
A penetration testing bruteforcing tool running in cli with support for directories, DNS and virtual hosts.
A writeup for the machine Mango from with medium Difficulty
Learn how to crack a password protected ssh key (id_rsa) using John the Ripper.
A writeup for the machine OpenAdmin from Difficulty = Easy
Learn how to crack /etc/shadow file using John the Ripper.
A writeup for the machine Obscurity from with medium Difficulty.
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